CMMA BLOG News | My Idiot Brother 2: A Hilarious Indonesian Comedy Movie That Will Keep You Laughing
My Idiot Brother 2: A Hilarious Indonesian Comedy Movie That Will Keep You Laughing

My Idiot Brother 2: A Hilarious Indonesian Comedy Movie That Will Keep You Laughing



Are you looking for a good laugh? If yes, then you must watch My Idiot Brother 2, the sequel to the hit Indonesian comedy movie. This movie will take you on a hilarious journey with its quirky characters and funny storyline. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about the movie and why you should watch it.


My Idiot Brother 2 is a comedy movie that revolves around a man named Bimo, who is known as the “idiot brother” in his family. Despite being the black sheep of the family, Bimo is loved by everyone for his kind and innocent nature. In the sequel, Bimo’s family faces a financial crisis, and Bimo must find a way to help them. He comes up with a plan to start a business selling herbal medicine, but things don’t go as planned, leading to a series of hilarious events.

Cast and Characters

The movie features an ensemble cast of talented actors who bring their characters to life. Jovial da Lopez plays Bimo, the lovable idiot brother, while Cut Meyriska plays his wife, Maya. Other notable cast members include Tora Sudiro, who plays Bimo’s brother-in-law, and Adi Kurdi, who plays his father.

Themes and Messages

My Idiot Brother 2 is not just a comedy movie but also has some underlying themes and messages. One of the main themes is the importance of family and the sacrifices one makes for their loved ones. The movie also highlights the struggles faced by small businesses in Indonesia and the impact of globalization on traditional industries.


The movie has received positive reviews from critics and audiences alike. Many praised the movie’s humor and the performances of the cast members. The movie is considered a must-watch for anyone looking for a good laugh.


In conclusion, My Idiot Brother 2 is a must-watch Indonesian comedy movie that will keep you laughing from start to finish. With its hilarious storyline, quirky characters, and underlying themes, this movie is not just a comedy but also has a deeper message. So, grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the ride with Bimo and his family. You won’t regret it!