CMMA BLOG News | Expressing Obligation Artinya: A Guide To Relaxed Indonesian Language In 2023
Expressing Obligation Artinya: A Guide To Relaxed Indonesian Language In 2023

Expressing Obligation Artinya: A Guide To Relaxed Indonesian Language In 2023

Expressing Obligation PDF Verb Question
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Indonesian language is one of the most spoken languages in the world. It is the official language of Indonesia and is also spoken in other countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei. In this article, we will discuss how to express obligation artinya, or the meaning of obligation, in relaxed Indonesian language in the year 2023.

Understanding Obligation Artinya

Obligation artinya refers to an act that is required or expected of someone. In Indonesian language, there are several ways to express obligation artinya. One of the most common ways is by using the word “harus” which means “must” or “should”.

Using “Harus”

When using “harus”, it is important to note that the verb that follows it must be in the infinitive form. For example, “Saya harus mengerjakan tugas” means “I must do the homework”.

Using “Wajib”

Another way to express obligation artinya is by using the word “wajib” which also means “must” or “should”. However, “wajib” is considered a stronger word than “harus”. For example, “Siswa wajib mengenakan seragam sekolah” means “Students must wear school uniforms”.

Other Ways to Express Obligation Artinya

Apart from “harus” and “wajib”, there are other ways to express obligation artinya in Indonesian language. One of them is by using the phrase “tidak boleh” which means “not allowed”. For example, “Kita tidak boleh merokok di dalam ruangan” means “We are not allowed to smoke inside the room”.

Using “Perlu”

Another way to express obligation artinya is by using the word “perlu” which means “need”. For example, “Saya perlu membeli buku untuk kuliah” means “I need to buy a book for college”.


In conclusion, expressing obligation artinya in Indonesian language is important to ensure effective communication. By using the right words and phrases, we can convey our message clearly and efficiently. The use of “harus”, “wajib”, “tidak boleh”, and “perlu” are some of the ways to express obligation artinya in relaxed Indonesian language in the year 2023.